
House Extensions Surrey

Moving house is proven to be one of the most stressful activities you can put yourself and your family through so why go through the ordeal in an uncertain housing market? You may need the extra space but there are alternatives. House extensions are an extremely effective way of giving your existing property a new lease of life and adding significant value. With over 20 years of experience and with a team of expert tradesmen we can make your dreams a reality and guide you through each stage of your house extension. 

You may already have an house extension or another part of your home that you would like to 
change. We also offer a wide variety of building services and can make alterations to your home making it better equipped to suit you and your lifestyle. Alterations to homes are common in any property’s life span and provide a cost effective way of making your home more accustomed to you and your family. Alterations can completely refresh your existing property and add value whilst maintaining the features that made you purchase the property in the first instance. With our free, no obligation, home survey service we can help you to unlock the potential of your property whether it be through adding square footage or improving on the layout and features of your existing home.

Visit the Ascent Builders website for more information on House Extensions Surrey