
Brownstown’s Health & Safety

Brownstown’s Directors, Managers, Supervisors and all Employees recognise and fully accept their responsibilities to Health & Safety. All new staff to Brownstown are given a company induction covering Health & Safety , procedures at work. Health & Safety training is also provided to all operatives on a regular basis in accordance with an individual training matrix to ensure their personal development. Brownstown are committed to having our Employees accredited to the appropriate CSCS/CPCS card level. Working safely with electricity is controlled by the electricity at work regulations 1989 and it is our policy to strictly comply with these requirements. In addition, the Institute of Electrical Engineers (IEE) regulations (17th Edition) cover the safe design and installation of Electrical systems. It should be noted that the IEE regulations are not statutory but do provide guidance for electrical contractors to follow. Work done in accordance with the IEE Regulations should satisfy the requirements of the Electricity at work Regulations 1989. It is the companies legal duty to revise this policy statement as often as may be appropriate to take into account changes in the law affecting the companies operation, or changes in the organisation and arrangements for carrying out this policy. Any revisions found to be necessary will be communicated to each employee. Brownstown covers general purpose civil and utility contractors who comply with all the above.

Visit the Brownstown Civil Engineering website for more information on Brownstown’s Health & Safety


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