
About Us

Build Check was Established in 2004 and has gone from strength-to-strength to become a highly respected provider within the marketplace.
Build Check operates throughout UK & Europe, with clients of varying sizes, from both the building and the fenestration sectors.
We operate a Management and Quality system conforming to ISO/IEC 17025 (Testing) & BS EN. 45011 ( Product Certification) and are accredited by UKAS for:
Airtightness testing to ATTMA TS1, TSL1, TSL2 & BS EN 13829:2001 for Building Regulations Part L1 and L2.
Acoustic testing: Pre-completion testing for Building Regulations Part E.
Thermal transmittance to BS EN ISO 10077-1:2002; 10077-2:2003 and BS EN 673:1998.
Windows & Doors and Glass & Glazing schemes, meeting the requirements of the BFRC energy rating scheme.
BFRC (British Fenestration Rating Council):
Have accredited Richard Bate, Michael Handley & Clive Cox for modelling the energy performance of windows to attain BFRC Window Energy Ratings.
Build Check are approved by the BFRC as an IA (Independent Agency) for their energy rating scheme.


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