
Build a building that meets your business’s needs

Modular construction allows you to create the layout which best suits your needs. Our company can create a building from almost any floorplan. In many cases we can create floorplans that other construction companies can’t. The reason is because modular construction is not constricted by “what will I need to do on-site” but rather a “that is a great idea well make it work” technique. Also, because modular construction is primarily conducted in-house modern methodologies which are not possible with on-site construction can be implemented in the construction phase of the in-house modular construction. For example: many floorplans are somewhat restricted by the load bearing walls of the building. Modular construction uses several different components merged seamlessly together and the load bearing walls pose less of a design issue than traditional construction where the load bearing wall plays a critical part in the layout design. Where it is true that the load bearing walls have to be kept in mind, your design is not constricted by having to have a certain style or layout to that bearing wall, You can design the building according to your needs.

Visit the Cotaplan website for more information on Build a building that meets your business’s needs