
Tips to Prevent Patio Furniture Theft in Restaurants


Regardless of whether your restaurant business is in London or Manchester, the risks of patio theft are quite high. Suppose you’ve recently expanded to your patio area or invested in brand new furniture to host more customers and offer them a beautiful outdoor space. In that case, you’d want to take all the necessary measures to ensure maximum patio security. Protecting your restaurant against patio furniture theft can be quite challenging. Since the items are left outdoors, they’re naturally more vulnerable to theft and vandalism. Don’t let this keep you from offering your customers a cute, little patio space to enjoy their meals. Here are some tips to prevent patio furniture theft at your restaurant. Tips to Ensure Patio Security 1. Optimize the Layout of the Furniture When you’re deciding the layout of your patio space, the first thing you’re likely to consider is the best aesthetics. You’d want to ensure that the outdoor area looks beautiful and offers all customers a nice view to enjoy. However, another crucial element to keep in mind is optimizing the placement of the furniture to maximise security. Use these pointers to help you; Enclose the patio area using fences, dividers, or planters. Ensure there is plenty of space between the furniture to create a clear path for customers and servers. Install entry-way locks to restrict access outside of business hours. Place your patio furniture in a way that makes it easy for the staff to store chairs, potted plants, and umbrellas inside. 2. Lock It Up A great tip to keep your patio furniture safe is by locking it up using steel cables. You can easily get it from your local hardware store. The best part about this method is that it is quite cheap and easily doable. People usually think robbers can easily make their way through the cables, but heavy-duty ones can take quite some time to cut up. By this time, the police would have been alerted and reach the destination to catch these criminals. 3. Invest in Surveillance Cameras The most common time for theft to occur is after-hours when the area is dark and deserted. The best way to ensure your outdoor furniture is safe after you lock up and leave is by installing CCTV cameras. These cameras should cover your entire restaurant premises, from the inside and outside. Not only will it make thieves and vandals think twice about breaking in to steal your furniture, but it’ll also help the police identify them should a robbery occur. This video recording will serve as proof of their crime and send them to jail. 4. Add Some Signs Another great way to scare away potential thieves is by sticking signs that warn of 24-hour CCTV surveillance. Even if your cameras aren’t visible, these signs will tell the robbers that they’ll definitely get caught if they come for your patio furniture. They serve as automatic robbery deterrents.

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