
GreenWall Vertial Planting System

The clever design of the GreenWall Vertical Planting System allows the planters to easily link together using connector pegs. It is as easy to assemble the system as it is to dismantle it, and by simply joining planters together, it can be used to create stunning seasonal floral displays that are real show pieces. For smaller spaces or where a plain wall needs brightening up, the vertical planting system can easily be stacked to the required height. Each planter has two key hole fixing slots for securing. Specially designed Ø 20mm overflow holes are placed 17mm high to create a reservoir at the bottom of the planter for plants to absorb water. Any overflow will travel through the hole into the next planter and so on, ensuring that plants never get over watered.

Visit the F H Brundle website for more information on GreenWall Vertial Planting System


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