
Plastering Courses Review by Gareth Mooney

Goldtrowel quite clearly sets the benchmark for construction courses in the UK. I was fortunate to attend the 5 Day plastering course, with the aspiration to simply tackle jobs around my home, the course surpassed my expectations. From the outset, all students regardless of standard are integrated. For the students that were looking for a change of career this proved pivotal, enabling students to draw experience from the more senior members as they advance through their respective course. The instruction received was incomparable, Shane Jobber was fundamental in forming a strong, cohesive and productive learning environment, one that mirrors his own work ethic and ability to empower students to achieve excellence in what they do. Shane is an exceptional instructor who is widely respected by his students, but even more telling is the high regard in which his opinion is held by other experience tradesmen. Being in the military, I was interested to learn that Goldtrowel also provides resettlement courses for those making the transition to civilian employment. I would unequivocally recommend Goldtrowel as a provider should anyone be looking at pursuing a career in construction. Thank you very much and I hope to return in the not so distant future. 07795072319

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