
Money Box Live – Radio 4


Louise Cooper is a British Chartered Financial Analyst, journalist and Times columnist and is best known for her work on the BBC World Service, Newshour, Europe Today, BBC, ITV and Sky News and her BBC 5 early morning financial programme “Wake up to money” and on Radio 4 “Money Box live”. Our Sales Director, David Fagg, attended a budget breakfast meeting where Louise presented her insights on the impact of the latest budget on business. During the budget briefing, Louise recognised from David’s comments on subjects such as export, manufacturing, investment and productivity, that JAS as a business could be of great interest for an upcoming radio show she was presenting for Money Box on Radio 4. Two days later, Louise Cooper and her producer visited JAS and interviewed David and a number of members of the team to create a radio piece regarding UK productivity. JAS were proud to be chosen to be part of this fascinating debate about the UK’s poor productivity output and the economic pressure that businesses face with regard to ongoing investment.

Visit the John Anthony Signs Ltd website for more information on Money Box Live – Radio 4


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