
New industrial internet applications in the making


“The real-time use of data to produce more intelligent processes is the key idea. The results of the pilot trials in cooperation with Konecranes have been encouraging and indicate great potential for a wide range of industry uses.” - Jari Collin, Chief Information Officer at Efora Konecranes has partnered up with industrial service provider Efora to develop industrial internet applications for optimizing industry processes. One of the primary focuses of the pilot trials underway at Efora’s factories in Oulu is the real-time remote monitoring of cranes using industrial internet technology. The aim of the pilot trial is to enable industries to predict the need for industrial maintenance work, and as a result, improve maintenance planning and decrease disruptions in production. The added value for Konecranes’ customers include increased safety, usability and performance of lifting equipment, as well as the monitoring and optimization of maintenance costs. User experience is a critical aspect of real-time remote monitoring. One effort currently under development is a smartphone, tablet and laptop-friendly user interface which integrates the two companies’ previously developed portals. One effort currently under development is a user interface that integrates and displays the previous portal information on any mobile device – laptop, tablet or smartphone. The interface allows maintenance workers to retrieve remotely access information regarding equipment’s safety issues, completed maintenance measures and other valuable data quickly from the Cloud.

Visit the Konecranes UK Ltd website for more information on New industrial internet applications in the making