
How Much Rock Salt Should You Stock Up On for Your Home?


As winter quietly advances on the heels of autumn, households across the UK are gearing up to face the chilly months ahead. While insulating your home against the biting cold is vital, ensuring outdoor safety to prevent treacherous slips on ice or compacted snow is equally crucial. With the past winter marking the second consecutive year the UK was blanketed in snow, it's wise to prepare in advance to avoid last-minute rushes. Mainland Aggregates offers a superb selection of Rock Salt, also known as gritting salt, as a cost-effective solution to combat snow and ice. But how do you determine the right amount of rock salt to purchase to ensure you're adequately prepared for the entire winter season? 1. Identify Your Needs Start by identifying areas prone to potential ice-related hazards for people and vehicles. Common spots to keep free of ice include driveways, steps, pathways, and porches. For well-trodden driveways and roads, we recommend Brown Gritting/Rock Salt for its excellent traction and distinctive appearance. For public pedestrian areas like pathways, pavements, and playgrounds, our White Gritting/Rock Salt is ideal, as it leaves no residue behind, making it perfect for cleanliness-sensitive locations. To calculate the quantity required, measure the length and width of each area and multiply them (Length x Width = Area2). The general rule of thumb is 1 lb or 0.45 kg of rock salt per every 20 square feet. 2. Consider Application Frequency The frequency of rock salt application hinges on the severity and duration of icy conditions. This aspect is crucial in estimating your rock salt needs, as your rock salt supply is limited. Light, intermittent snowfalls may necessitate only one application of gritting salt, while heavy snow and icy conditions might require daily or even multiple daily applications. 3. Calculate Your Usage For a rough estimate of your rock salt requirement, perform some straightforward calculations: Total Area: If you add up the square footage of your driveway, pathways, steps, and porch, it sums to 100 square feet. Usage: Divide 100 sq. ft by 20 sq. ft/lb, equating to 5 lbs (or 2.2 kg) per application. Frequency: Assuming regular snowfall in your region, let's say you'll salt every other day during a 3-month winter, totaling approximately 45 days. Total for the Season: Multiply 5 lbs by 45 applications, resulting in 225 lbs (or 102 kg) for the entire winter. To be well-prepared for potential adverse weather, especially if conditions unexpectedly worsen, it's advisable to have a bit more gritting salt than your rough estimate. Mainland Aggregates' rock salt doesn't expire when stored correctly, ensuring no wastage if not all of it is used in one season. As winter draws near, trust in the expertise of Mainland Aggregates to ensure you have an ample supply of gritting salt to see you and your loved ones through the season.

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