
The Ultimate Guide to Building a Vertical Garden


At first glance, one might not think that small spaces and gardening are much of a match, but the revolutionary idea of vertical gardens is quickly changing that perception. When we say “nature”, “organic”, “herbs” or “vegetables”, we immediately think about large open spaces, bathed in sunlight, fields of green and enough land for tractors and ploughs. We also think about the countryside. But it doesn’t have to be like that. Urban gardens or apartments have limited space available, but you can still grow flowers, herbs and vegetables, if you decide to set up a vertical garden. And here is your ultimate guide to doing that, complete with logistics, all the practical and technical steps involved, space and time expectations, types of plants that can be cultivated and, of course, results. Everything you need to know on how to grow your very own slice of nature on the terrace is right here. The first thing which is of crucial importance for you to understand is that this will, most likely, take a lot of effort. Growing plants is not easy and even more so in the city, in a very confined space and in vertical position. But don’t get discouraged and don’t give up. That’s the beauty of it. Second of all, you have two options when deciding to build a vertical garden. You can call in a specialist, like a botanist, an urban greening specialist or a bio wall designer, which will make your job very, very easy. He will do all the planning and the work and you will just have to take care of the wall afterwards. Your other choice is to do it all yourself. And here is where you have to remember another important thing. You will learn how to do it properly through a more or less extensive trial and error process. There are books that can teach you, but experience will be your best professor.

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