
Rail Track Ballast

Other Name(s): Railway Ballast   Consists of: Pure granite crushed. This is a Network Rail approved Rail Track Ballast that has been screened to create a zero fines aggregate. This product is fully certified and is the most widely used form of rail track ballast used across the UK. Rail Track Ballast is an essential part of any rail construction project. Rail Track Ballast is typically made from crushed granite which has been screened to remove undesirable fines thus creating a hard wearing, free draining and easily cleaned aggregate. Typically Rail Track Ballast is packed between, below, and around the sleepers by specialised equipment. It is used to facilitate drainage of water, to distribute the load from the sleepers, and also to keep down vegetation that might interfere with the track structure. Although mainly used in rail applications, Rail Track Ballast can be used for a multitude of other purposes from fines free sub-bases to haul roads. There is an increasing amount of Recycled Rail Track Ballast available which has been screened to remove debris thus producing a useful recycled aggregate at a fraction of the cost of quarried material. This product may be pink or grey depending on location. Mainland Aggregates Ltd take pride in being one of the leading Rail Track Ballast suppliers.   Ideal for: Rail bedding, sub-bases.   Availability: Loose or Bulk Bags   Minimum Order Quantity: 10 Tonnes Loose or 1 x Bulk Bag.   Bulk Bag Weight: 850kg   *Big Discounts Available on Large or Regular Orders!*

Visit the Mainland Aggregates Ltd website for more information on Rail Track Ballast


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