Sealey SCDE02 2kg Carbon Dioxide Fire Extinguisher
Product Code: SCDE02
? Carbon dioxide extinguisher suitable for use on B Class fires and fires involving live electrical component.? Features lightweight aluminium body and brass valve assembly.? No messy deposits.? Five year warranty.? Refillable and supplied with wall mounting bracket.? Fully accredited to BS EN 3 and Kite marked.FIRE CLASSIFICATIONCLASS [ A ]: Combustion of solid material such as wood, paper, textiles etc.FOAM - YES - Smothering and cooling effect.BC POWDER - YES/NO - Only on small surface fires.ABC POWDER - YES - Rapid knockdown. Smothering effect prevents re-ignition.CO2 - YES/NO - Only on small surface fires.WATER - YES - Good cooling effects. Prevents re-ignition.CLASS [ B ]: Combustion of liquids e.g. petrol, oil, fat, paint, solvents and grease.FOAM - YES - Blankets fire and prevents re-ignition.BC POWDER - YES - Rapid knockdown.ABC POWDER - YES - Rapid knockdown.CO2 - YES - Rapid knockdown. Leaves no residue.WATER - NOCLASS [ C ]: Combustion of flammable gases e.g. propane, butan
e, natural gas.FOAM - NOBC POWDER - YESABC POWDER - YESCO2 - NOWATER - NOELECTRICAL: Fire involving electrical equipment.FOAM - NO - Foam can conduct electricityBC POWDER - YESABC POWDER - YESCO2 - YES - Beware in confined spaces.WATER - NO - Water conducts electricity.Model No: SCDE02Capacity: 2kgClass/Type: B/CO2Fire Test Rating: 34BWorking Pressure: 56barHeight/Diameter: 500/165mmWeight: 5.1kgDischarge Duration: 9secDischarge Range: 2-3mtrWorking Temperature: -20 to +60?C
Visit the McCormick Tools Ltd website for more information on Sealey SCDE02 2kg Carbon Dioxide Fire Extinguisher