
Multipanel Graphic Designer’s Take On Upcoming Design Trends


Multipanel Graphic Designer’s Take On Upcoming Design Trends 15 September 2016 With trends constantly evolving and interior tastes varying, we wanted to ask our Graphic Designer, Alex D’Arcy for his own personal opinion on emerging styles and decors. When speaking to Alex, he highlighted the fact that there are a number of people that like to stay within boundaries when it comes to interior design, but for those leading the way in bathroom design there are plenty of options. “From classic, traditional luxury styles like marble and stone to contemporary, stylish colours and patterns, our ranges cater to all tastes and if you are really feeling adventurous why not mix it up and match a traditional marble to something from the plus range, think Midnight Stone with Garden Pink Suede! It can seem like a big commitment to refurbish your bathroom, but with Multipanel it is easy and waterproof. Be bold, If you like a décor in the brochure, in a sample then you will probably like it even more as a full panel. It has been commented on many times that the full panel up on a wall looks much more impressive than the customer could have imagined.” At Multipanel, we like to encourage people to be brave, extravagant and definitely unique. When people see our product in the flesh they are absolutely delighted with the results. Our visualiser also helps to bridge the gap between creative idea and reality: If a complete re-design is not what you had in mind, why not create a feature wall? A small change can have a big impact. “You do not have to panel an entire room, making a feature, Photo Wall or a striking colour/design behind a sink or in a shower can transform a bathroom.” Not only does Multipanel offer real aesthetic delight, it also has strong practical value as well. For example, we offer completely waterproof spaces. Our shower wall panels are also easy to clean with professional cleaners remarking to Alex that they are the “easiest” surface to wipe down. Lastly, we asked our Graphic Designer for his own personal preferences when looking at the Multipanel collection and his reasons why. “I very much like the way we are going with the new colours we are adding this year, I love Fusion, it looks both old and new at the same time! I’m also a fan of the new Contemporain range. After viewing our new lifestyle imagery, I can honestly say they look fantastic, any of these complex designs can be complimented with the plain but strong colours we have in Suede and High Gloss but like I said, be bold, experiment!” “Your home should tell the story of who you are, and be a collection of what you love.” – Nate Berkus

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