

Yorkshire Flowerpots Some 15 years ago, Naylor drew on its century of clayware expertise to launch Yorkshire Flowerpots. We use local clays from our own quarries to produce pots which we then fire to the highest temperatures, in excess of 1050 deg c – for up to five days in order to produce a blue core of incredible strength within the pot, thereby rendering it frostproof. Yorkshire Flowerpots is unique in its use of Yorkshire Fireclays and the high temperature kiln firings. The result is a product, made to meet the challenge of the British climate, unrivalled in its curability and guaranteed fully frostproof. Please note that this is a trade website, we only deliver directly to the trade. Naylor Patio Pots Whilst British made pots remain close to our heart, we recognise our customers’ need for a broader offering. We have responded to market demand by sourcing the globe for attractive and competitively priced products and in 2007, we introduced our first range of imported pots of varying shapes, styles and finishes. The expansion of the product offering has allows us to extend our service capabilities. Garden Centres have an enhanced range of options – they can buy Yorkshire Flowerpots, Naylor Patio Pots or combine a selection from both ranges for order convenience or to make up a carriage paid order. Please note that this is a trade website, we only deliver directly to the trade.

Visit the Naylor Industries website for more information on GARDENWARE PRODUCTS


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