
About Us

Raf's Cleaning Service Ltd is a carpet cleaning business that delivers amazing results. Established in 2014, Raf's has since generated a following in the Greater Manchester Area for its efficient cleaning techniques, friendly approach and reasonable rates. A family-owned company, Raf's takes cleaning seriously and can be depended upon to give top notch services each and every time.

Being a respected carpet cleaning company, Raf’s Cleaning Service LTD has many different cleaning services such as:

1) Carpet Cleaning Services

Carpets don’t come cheap but they do liven up your space. With the price you paid for it, it just makes perfect sense to take good care of it like consistently scheduling it for some steam cleaning. This is where Raf’s Cleaning Company steps in as our steam carpet cleaning service is second to none, and will eliminate dust, dirt, bacteria, and allergens that may have amassed over time. This will not just leave your carpet looking and feeling fresh but will also help prolong its lifespan.

2) Commercial Carpet Cleaning Services

If you’re an entrepreneur, how you present your brand is crucial to the success of your business. This includes the details of the physical appearance of your office. Take your carpet, for example, and imagine a potential business partner coming in only to see the dirty carpet. Safe to say, that grimy carpet will reflect poorly on you. To make sure that your office carpets are looking nice and clean, Raf’s Cleaning Service has commercial carpet services that can leave your carpet looking pristine. As an added bonus, carpet that is regularly cleaned can last longer too!

3) Upholstery Cleaning Services

Don’t you just hate it when your three-month-old furniture looks like it’s been sat on for over a decade? This is a nightmare scenario that can be avoided if you have the upholstery of your furniture regularly cleaned by the reliable and knowledgeable specialists at Raf’s Cleaning Service. Book an appointment and experience five-star cleaning services like you’ve never had before!

4) Leather Cleaning Services

With regards to taking care of leather surfaces, cleaning them will take something other than a wipe and you’re finished technique. You need the handiness of Raf's Cleaning Service! Our accomplished and thorough cleaning pros will cautiously evaluate the issue before coming up with the correct way of cleaning leather without causing it any damage. How's that for a first-rate cleaning service?

5) Stain Removal Services

As sure as the sun will shine, stains and spillages are part of our lives. And for the most part, these are brought about by our children and our pets. But let's face it – by and large, it's our absence of focus that cause these accidents to occur. And when these things happen, you should leave it to the stain removal pros at Raf's! There is no size-fits-all answer for expelling stains. Our accomplished specialists need to initially evaluate the issue before executing the best possible strategy to adequately dispose of the stain from any surface, texture or carpet.