
Who’s a CleVA clogs then? We think we are - February 1 2012


We’re just a bit pleased with ourselves. Here at Red we recognise that understanding data can be tricky. We have been working hard to find ways to help you see what we hear – and we know we’ve cracked it. We are using a new way to deliver data in an accessible format that allows you to see the same as us – an instant, clear, visual acoustic image of how your design is performing. CleVA (Clear Visual Acoustics) allows us to see areas of concern immediately – and areas of success. Colour allows us to screen share your designs and to discuss issues at any stage of development without the delay of arranging a meeting. You can see what we mean – and now see what we hear. From initial design, through planning, to construction and potential environmental impact, the benefits are clear – time is saved, money is saved and most important to us, you are happy. So you can see why we’re pleased with ourselves. CleVA, isn’t it? Just a taste of what CleVA can do; to find out more about how we can help you at any stage of your project contact us.

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