Equality & Diversity Online Elearning Training Course
A 20 minute online course that ensures employees are aware of the issues of equality and diversity in the workplace and what their role is in relation to these issues. Employers are responsible for the discriminatory actions of their employees and complying with what is generally perceived as 'reasonably practicable' in this area is to communicate an Equality and Diversity Policy to all staff and provide awareness training on the potential for and the implications of discriminatory practices in the workplace.
The course is deliberately aimed at an awareness level which allows for a reasonable completion time.
Course Objectives
In this training course employees will learn:
•Definitions of 'equality' and 'diversity' •The benefits of being diverse aware •Role of individual in relation to equality and diversity responsibilities in the workplace and standards of behaviour expected •The different types of discrimination including bullying and harassment •How to make a complaint/seek help if either witness to or a victim of discriminatory practices
Benefit to your Organisation
•Supports your organisation's commitment to promoting equality and diversity in the workplace and the prevention of discriminatory practices in your workplace •Help create a culture of respect for all employees by showing that diversity is a positive aspect of the workplace and not a threat •Allows your organisation to make clear what standards of behaviour expected in relation to equality and diversity, what kinds of behaviour will not be tolerated and the consequences of breaking behaviour codesVisit the Safety Services Direct Ltd website for more information on Equality & Diversity Online Elearning Training Course