
HSE: Fines total over £5.5m in 12 months.


HSE: Fines total over £5.5m in 12 months. The HSE have released a statement detailing that over £5.5 Million was collected in fines from businesses in the 12 months since the start of the FFI (Fee for Intervention) schemes introduction. Under the FFI which was launched back in October 2012 by the HSE, it states that firms that breach health and safety law are liable for fines to cover the cost of HSE call-outs, inspections, investigations and enforcement actions. Fines were implemented for breaches in areas like slips, trips and falls to not providing sufficient welfare facilities and many in-between. 38% of fines came from the Manufacturing industry, with the construction sectors come in close second at 36%, the lowest came from the Agricultural industry (2%). Although fatalities and injuries at work are falling in numbers, thanks to the better implementation and awareness of health and safety procedures, the fight against injury at work is not over. Why not spruce up your knowledge on Fire Safety or finally order that Hi-Vis jacket you've been eyeing up since last year, whilst we give you amazingly low prices and only the utmost, superior quality products available!

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