Manual Handling Online ELearning Health and Safety Training Course - Approved by RoSPA
A short online ELearning manual handling course. Available as a standalone Manual Handling training course, with a full Manual Handling Training Certificate being issued upon completion of the online Manual Handling Course.
Our Online Manual Handling Health and Safety Training Course can be completed online using your computer or IPad/Tablet and a RoSPA Approved Manual Handling Training Certificate can be downloaded and printed off upon completion of the Online Manual Handling training course.
Online Manual Handling E-Learning Training course Overview
This Online Manual Handling Training course has been Approved by RoSPA.
Our online Manual Handling health and safety E-Learning training course is a 35 minute online manual handling course designed to help organisations deliver cost effective RoSPA Approved online manual handling training to employees as soon as they begin work and before they might need to undertake a manual handling task or activity. All of our online health and safety training courses are regularly updated so that the look and content are as fresh and stylish as possible.
As with all of our courses, our online Manual Handling health and safety training E-Learning course has been recently updated to include rich new graphics, engaging interactions and the very latest advice. We update and maintain all of our online courses on an ongoing basis to ensure that your employees have a meaningful training experience each time they use the online course.
Online Manual Handling Training Course Objectives
In this online Manual Handling training course employees will learn:
•The different types of manual handling injuries and how they occur •The importance of assessing every manual handling task •The correct handling techniques for lifting, carrying and setting down a load Benefit to your Organisation Immediately communicate manual handling policy to employees •Mitigate potential liability in case of a manual handling related injury •Audit trail - evidence completion and understanding Our online E-learning Training courses include rich animations (no Flash is used, so M-Learning is an option as courses are also fully compatible with iPad's), crisp clean graphics and engaging content and can be completed at anytime of the day from any computer or tablet with an internet connection.Visit the Safety Services Direct Ltd website for more information on Manual Handling Online ELearning Health and Safety Training Course - Approved by RoSPA