Professional Land Surveys For Local Authorities
Professional Land Surveys For Local AuthoritiesSj Geomatics Ltd only uses highly experienced surveyors that can help you whether your project is planning, development, feasibility or design, it will benefit from an accurate and current topographical survey. Our highly skilled team of surveyors has worked on a wide variety of projects including single house plots, large housing developments, domestic gardens, Highways, Schools and high profile projects. We are currently engineers on the largest mushroom farm in Europe, being constructed in East Anglia.
Our reliable and highly experienced team of surveyors can help you determine the specification you need should you require advice. Detailed data capture regarding your work area can be obtained including levels, buildings, boundaries, surface changes, drainage systems, roads, access points, trees and foliage. We welcome your input in tailoring a survey that meets your needs. You may require just one survey or you might be looking to develop a long-term affiliation with a reliable, professional and friendly team.
Visit the SJ Geomatics Ltd website for more information on Professional Land Surveys For Local Authorities