
Wood heating and self-supply feasibility assessments

A biomass boiler feasibility assessment is often the start point for a new project. SEWF provides a heat assessment and wood boiler feasibility service together with independent advice on the project including specification and an outline costing infrastructure design, fuel store, incorporating potential Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) income. If you are considering adding a wood fueled boiler, we can help you find out what size & type boiler will most effectively meet the heat demand for your property. We offer: Feasibility studies and quick pre-feasibility reports which will tell you if wood heating is possible for you, including estimated wood fuel needs, detailed cost-income analysis, technical issues such as boiler sizing and a detailed cost-income analysis Tendering, implementation and project management Wood fuel supply strategies & assessments and both for self-supply and bought in fuel. Utilising our extensive experience to impart recommendations & advice for your wood fuel heating requirements. Recent clients of South East Wood Fuels include Greenwich Pinnacle Housing, Harper Adams University College, Surrey County Council, the YMCA, AONB, Kent Downs, Titsey Estate & Chevening House. We are also working with a score of estates & farms with woodland, recommendations offering a comprehensive supply chain service for commercial or self-supply.

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