
Galvanised Steel Cold Water Storage Tank Coating - Harrow School, Sports Hall


Harrow School, Sports Hall Harrow School had three galvanised steel cold water storage tanks located above the school sports hall that needed to be either relined or replaced. The school works department contacted us because we had successfully carried out similar water tank lining and water tank repair/refurbishment works for them on previous occasions. The building was in constant use it was essential that all the works be completed within the few days available during the autumn half term. The three galvanised cold water tanks were located within the small roof void of the building with access via a small doorway hatch. The tanks still had some of the original black bitumen coating that was failing. Cold water storage tanks located in cramped attic void. Typical condition of old galvanised steel water tanks. Cold water storage tanks numbers 1 & 2 before tank lining treatment. Location of cold water storage tanks.ater tank Replacing the tanks was would have expensive, time consuming and disruptive. To replace the tanks is likely to have meant the removal of the roof of the building and crane hire. For this project we proposed the use of our potable water tank lining system. Our in-situ water tank lining system was especially developed for the refurbishment or repair of tanks located in difficult to reach areas such as attic voids and lofts etc. means that each tank could be quickly and conveniently brought up to the required standard with minimum disruption or cost.

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