
Wooden Box Sash Windows

The traditional box sash window has been around since the 17th century. Amazingly the design remains almost unchanged. Traditional sash windows operate via a mechanism that consists of cords and pulleys counterbalanced with weights. Please view our product magnifier to identify the main components of a typical box sash window. We not only replace traditional cord hung windows, we can also replace spiral hung windows. Sash windows hung with a spiral balance operate via a tensioned spring within a plastic tube/casing. Spiral balances are normally used on sash windows where the reveals are too small to install the traditional box frame that holds sash cords and lead weights. There are many different designs and patterns of sash windows that we are proud to be able to replicate. We can replace the entire window or just the sliding parts provided that the existing frames are in good enough condition.

Visit the The Sash Window Workshop website for more information on Wooden Box Sash Windows