Success - New Dual Purpose Surface/Immersion Probe
Success for TME’s 2-in-1 Dual Purpose Surface/Immersion ProbeTME have introduced a unique temperature probe which is particularly ideal for water temperature monitoring during Legionella control operations. It is specially designed for taking both the temperature of running water and the surface temperature of water pipes and tanks - all with one probe.
Until now, it has been necessary for engineers to equip themselves with two separate temperature probes; one for immersion in running water and the other for surface temperature readings of pipes, calorifiers etc. Carrying two probes around a site and constantly switching them around at different test points is both cumbersome and time consuming. Moreover, the design of many surface temperature probes is such that they are easily damaged and can be costly to replace.
TME’s Dual Purpose Surface/Immersion Probe has a unique tip comprising a broad sensor band that is partially encapsulated in a silicon compound. This encapsulation has two major benefits.
• The sensor is completely waterproof which means you can run it under a tap to take water temperature in exactly the same way as you would with a conventional immersion probe. Moreover, the greater thermal conductivity of the sensor band should give a faster response than a conventional immersion probe, saving you time.
• The silicon compound gives rigidity to the sensor band as well as protecting the contacts behind the sensor. This gives excellent durability when using the probe to measure surface temperature.
The probe is available in both ‘K’ and ‘T’ thermocouple types (order code KS01-S & TS01-S) and is compatible with TME’s MM2000 range of handheld thermometersas well as TME’s new MM7000 range of Bluetooth Barcode thermometers. It is also compatible with any standard thermocouple thermometer with a mini-plug input.
The probe is priced at £65.00 plus vat with free on orders over £150.00.
Managing Director, Tom Sensier, says: “We are delighted with the success of this truly inventive probe, which is fast becoming the ‘probe of choice’ for many of our customers in the Legionella control industry. “
To place an order or for more information visit or call the TME sales team on 01903 700651.
Visit the TM Electronics (UK) Ltd - TME Thermometers, Temperature Sensors and Probes website for more information on Success - New Dual Purpose Surface/Immersion Probe