
The Installers View On… Christmas Party Season


The Installers View On… This month on The Installers View On… we have special Christmas Gift. Look out for the blog in the coming weeks The Installers View On… Christmas Party Season With the Christmas party season upon us many of us will be busy arranging festive activities in our homes. Whether it is hosting the party of the year, watching Christmas TV, playing festive music or family squabbles over the chocolates, chances are we will be making noise. If you want to make noise guilt free this Christmas then why not try one of our independent floating wall systems. These soundproof wall systems are designed to both reflect and absorb noise you or your neighbours make through a party wall. We construct a wall that is completely isolated from the party wall and isolated from the ceiling walls and floors. These soundproof wall systems are constructed in a way that they are floating yet still provide an airtight seal and barrier from any noise from next door. To help you (and/or your neighbours) achieve a more peaceful New Year we at TP Soundproofing have a special Christmas gift for you: 10% discount on all soundproof wall orders booked in January 2016. Seasons Greetings to you all! The Installer

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