
Noise Cancelling Foam for Ear Cushions in Headphones for Children


Noise cancelling headphones have become more popular and necessary to reduce external noise for the protection of children’s hearing, especially during outdoor events such as festivals. Noise cancelling headphones protect young children’s ears from high levels of noise that could damage hearing and instead, offer a barrier from powerful sound often associated with music concerts, festivals, firework displays and even on airplanes. Many parents and educators for school trips look to offer children more fulfilling and engaging experiences from a younger age and noise cancelling headphones mean greater opportunities for activities Typical Decibel Chart 140 - Gun Shot 130 - Jet Taking Off 120 - Jack Hammer 110 - Fire Engine/Police Siren 100 - Music Concerts 90 - Chainsaw 80 - Lawn Mower 70 - Busy Street 60 - Noisy Restaurant 50 - Normal Conversation There are many benefits to using noise cancelling headphones and the open cell foam associated with them that reduces the sound. Helps to reduce any stress that is associated with loud noise Increase a child’s focus from loud distractions Protection during a child’s development stages A sensory break and calming environment Depending on your specific project, we can develop acoustical absorbing materials to your needs. Easily cut and installed, our products come in a whole range of formats, including sheets and rolls – with or without punched components, contoured cuts and special impregnations. Our technical team can work with you to choose the best material for any design, so you can effectively control noise in your working environment. Get in touch with your challenge and we can help choose the right absorbing foam material for your environment.

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