
Noise Reduction And Soundproofing For Recording Studios With Acoustic Foam


Eliminating background noise when it comes to studio recording is key and for those using quality condenser microphones, any and every sound in and outside of the environment becomes a troublesomely obvious sound. That’s when the age old question is asked; is soundproofing really a necessity? And it’s swiftly followed with a resounding yes. Soundproofing ensures that unwanted noise created in environments outside and inside of a recording studio are cancelled out. That could be from the proximity of a neighbouring office or classroom, as well as the obvious sounds from the loud to the quiet whir of computer equipment within the studio itself. Although the basics might have been covered, such as giving an ample distance between studio hardware and exterior rooms, laptop stands, cushioned flooring, studio racks or if your budget allows, a separate recording room to the studio, noise reduction is often still an issue that remains unsolved without physical soundproofing. Acoustic foam is an absorbing material that keeps noise under control and dampens sound by reducing the echo that is being absorbed from object to object. This reduces the audible sound within the room, however, acoustic foam needs to be considered to counter the sound from exterior rooms too. Sound absorption materials aren’t just used for recording studios, but make for a brilliant solution for noise reduction in concert venues, theatres, cinemas, schools (lecture theatres, classrooms, music rooms), conference rooms in offices, etc. At Zouch, our foam is soft and lightweight, easily allowing echo to be absorbed into the foam material by softening the surfaces of the environment. The open cell foam absorbs sound as it passes through the material and in turn, converts the sound to heat over echo. Acoustic foam is easily installed and affordable, and can be created in convoluted patterns or adhered with fabric dependant on the desired aesthetic. Depending on your specific project, we can develop any acoustical absorbing material to your needs. Easily cut and installed, our products come in a whole range of formats, including sheets and rolls – with or without punched components, contoured cuts and special impregnations. Our technical team can work with you to choose the best material for any design, so you can effectively control noise in your working environment. Get in touch with your challenge and we can help choose the right absorbing foam material for your environment.

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