
PPE Face Shields To Protect Manual Workers During Coronavirus Outbreak


Due to the upcoming changes in Government guidelines, many of us will be returning to work this week, especially within the construction and manufacturing industries. Amid uncertainty, Zouch Converters has been working with the likes of the NHS, Care Homes and other businesses, to help drive the manufacturer of PPE Face Shields and Visors, to ensure those who need it can access the equipment. Whilst the key message is “Stay Alert” for the manual workers who have been asked to return to work, if they can, are more vulnerable with the increase in individuals and social distancing being easier said than done in some working environments. Physical distancing in the likes of factories might prove difficult at times with the possibility of colleagues needing to work side-by-side for two different machines, at the same time, and with many individuals having underlying health issues. That means that many of the people returning to work this week are having to weigh up the risks to their health against the consequence of their finances, if they were to stay at home. Our face shields protect the wearer's facial area against particles associated with COVID-19, preventing splashes and splatters of body fluids from coming into contact with the wearer’s eyes, nose and mouth. All materials used are free of irritants and odourless, lightweight with an adjustable headband. Whilst they’re an essential element of PPE for healthcare workers, it’s becoming increasingly evident that they may be required across some industries, where contact and social distancing may be harder to abide by (in some cases). Our UK based manufacturers and warehouses are able to produce face shields daily, and are already supplying to the NHS Birmingham as well as other businesses across the nation - to help meet the ever growing demand for face visors for not only those considered key workers, but manual workers across the UK, too: from manufacturing and construction, to schools, hairdressers, doctors surgeries and more. If you’re a business within industries for manual work and are looking for face shields during the Coronavirus outbreak, for your business and employees, we can help and are with you every step of the way. Simply get in touch via our online form, email us at or call us on +44 (0) 115 856 2025.

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