
Our Products


With the focus on quality and reliability, our products have been selected for ease of application and reliable results. Our range has a evolved as a result of customer needs. Often an existing customer will express their frustration at not being able to find the right product for their particular requirement. Sometimes this is a challange that cant be met, but it gives us enormous satisfaction when we can call a customer back to tell them that we have got the product that they need. A prime example of this was when we supplied a unit of DO-IT-All to a customer who wanted to waterproof their balcony without taking up the expensive tile already installed. We suggested that they should try our DO-IT-All, although we could not guarantee success, it would be worth atry in order to save a lot of disruption. Over 12 months later, we received a letter from the customer telling us their story. Having received the DO-IT-ALL, it was taken to their property in Bulgaria where it was applied to the tiled surface on the balcony. Until that point in time, the room below had been suffering from severe water ingress that had ruined the interior decorations. The application of the DO-IT-ALL was a success. Having been applied specifically to the all tile joints etc. the product had gelled in the cracks, holes and fissures and formed a seal. Thinking this too good to be true, the client waited for a Bulgarian winter and summer to pass before writing to us with their testimonial. They have now redecorated the room below, and purchased more DO-IT-ALL to treat other parts of the building. Since receiving that letter, we have supplied numerous customers in the UK and Europe (mainly ex-pats.) who have been able to solve an irritating problem simply and easily. Our aim is to have a range of products that can be applied without having to use specialist equipment. These include brushes, paint rollers, garden sprayers etc. Application instructions on our data sheets are written in Plain English so that anybody who follows our simple instructions can achieve success. If you do have a problem, or you are uncertain, we are always pleased to give advice to guide you through your project.

Visit the Abacus Construction Products Ltd website for more information on Our Products


More News

  • Sealing Roofs and Balconies with DO-IT-ALL

  • Using DO-IT-ALL For Interior Decorating

  • Waterproofing a Thatched Roof with Aqua Repel

  • DO-IT-ALL – One Product – So Many Uses