
ADEY best practice wins innovation award


ADEY Professional Heating Solutions has triumphed at the inaugural Association of Gas Safety Management (AGSM) Awards for its innovative approach to central heating system maintenance best practice. The pioneering manufacturer was crowned winner in the Gas Industry Innovation category at the Belfry, West Midlands last night. ADEY’s entry focused on its market-leading range of water treatment products and how they’ve transformed the gas industry’s approach to protecting and maintaining heating systems. Receiving the award, ADEY Sales Director Paul Strudley said it recognised not just an innovative solution to system maintenance and an industry leading range of filters and chemicals, but a best practice approach the business has been driving for a number of years. “To receive an award from the AGSM for innovation is a fantastic achievement and we’re delighted. ADEY’s MagnaClean technology represents one of the biggest advances in the central heating industry for many years,” he said. “Magnetic filtration now lies at the heart of any comprehensive water treatment programme, which coupled with our latest MC+ chemicals, provide unrivalled boiler protection against the damaging effects of black iron oxide sludge and corrosion. “By continuing to deliver this message to the industry and educating homeowners about the basics of central heating maintenance and the need for regular servicing, installers can promote the adoption of best practice, giving their customers more efficient, cost effective and safer systems.”

Visit the Adey Solutions website for more information on ADEY best practice wins innovation award


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