
Why choose a Kitemark installer?

The Kitemark scheme for the survey and installation of windows and doors covers a wide variety of aspects including: Design: Checks are made to ensure the windows and doors are correct for the intended use. Surveying: To ensure the windows and doors will fit and open correctly. Also covers risk assessments on the installation process. Installation Practice: Including the safe removal of old windows, fixing and sealing of frames, fitting of glazing and finishing trims. Staff Training: Surveyors and fitters must demonstrate that they are properly trained and competent. Property Care: To avoid damage to furniture, floor coverings and needless damage to decorations. Building Regulations Compliance: To avoid damage to furniture, floor coverings and needless damage to decorations. Material Quality: To avoid damage to furniture, floor coverings and needless damage to decorations. Inspection: To check that the installed windows and doors close and seal properly and have. not been damaged during installation. Remember, as a Kitemark Installer we are constantly monitored by the B.S.I. to ensure that these high standards are continually met, but to make sure that our standards never slip an inch, we carry out our own comprehensive 22 point check on every single one of the windows and doors that we install.

Visit the Barnet Window Company website for more information on Why choose a Kitemark installer?