
Innovative Ideas


Innovative Ideas Got an Innovative Idea, don’t fancy Dragons Den ?? Having fully explored the process of inventing, patenting and bringing a new and innovative product to market, we at Demon Cato are ideally situated to assist inventors and innovators to bring their fresh new idea to fruition. If you have an idea for a new product, but might not have the funds or the required skills to transform that idea, from a simple sketch, to an actual product let us assist you with your concept. By signing a simple confidentiality agreement it gives you the comfort of discussing your idea with us in the knowledge that the idea stays yours and yours only. To achieve a patent most new products require to conform to two very strict Criteria; Innovative Step : The idea must provide an innovative step or addition, which takes your idea above all products previously known or manufactured, to allow the product to be patented. Viability : Sounds obvious, but your product must make commercial sense, we can discuss the possible markets for the product to ensure from the start that the chosen product, if brought to market, will sell. Assuming that you feel your new product idea meets the above criteria, why not drop us a mail, or give us a no obligation call to discuss your thoughts. The Demon Cato Innovation contacts are; Mike Mearns – – 07831 866409 Dave Fairfull – – 07785 528200

Visit the Demon Cato Limited website for more information on Innovative Ideas


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