
Judi Taylor's review


Hi Keith Just to let you know that the radiator was delivered and today my plumber fitted it. Although the sun is shining and it is quite warm enough we have tested it and it appears to be working. Therefore the faulty one can be collected from my house. I have kept the box that this one came in and placed it in there. I look forward to hearing from you as to when it will be uplifted. I work part-time so will need to arrange a suitable time. . I must tell you that my plumber is very impressed with the radiator. Both he and I realise that it was just bad luck, such a small fault with the first. He has a client that has paid more than double for a similar one and my plumber says that it is not of the same quality, and the paint job on it is no where near as good, so I am extremely happy with the look of it and although it may have taken a time for it to be up and working and I very happy with the level of customer service you have shown me, as I know the fault was nothing to do with you. In particular I would like to commend you on the speed with which you have always answered any queries I have had. I am certainly happy to recommend you to anyone who is looking for a new radiator. Look forward to hearing from you re: your collection. Regards, Judi Taylor

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