
About Us

Affordable, expert Flatpack Assembly, Handyman Service and Television Wall Mounting. Our Midlands staff work from Birmingham and surrounding areas, our Northern staff work from Manchester and Leeds covering all surrounding areas. All of our work is backed by our Industry Leading 5 Year Guarantee!

For flat pack assembly and handyman services in Birmingham, we're here to do an excellent job. We offer affordable and expert flatpack assembly services throughout the West Midlands and the surrounding areas.

All of our work is backed by our Industry Leading 5 Year Guarantee! So, call our team today to have your flat pack items assembled by professionals. We will take care of everything.

We deal almost weekly with customers who have been let down with other poor flatpack assembly service, and as a result, customers know to come to us time after time. Luckily we ensure that our high quality is backed by our time keeping, tooling, skill and safety. Something not many handymen do.

We can stand by our promise of quality thanks to our history of 5 star reviews. We've assembled thousands of pieces of furniture, and in that time we've not had a single bad review. Our customer service means despite the request or concern, we will always provide a well thought response.

When choosing our flat pack furniture assembly service, you can be rest assured that there will be no hidden fees or complications as we strive to provide a reliable, helpful and professional service with satisfaction guaranteed. Simply call our experts today for all your flat pack assembly needs. We offer FREE quotes!

We accept the following payment methods: card, cash, bacs, crypto and bitcoin.

Unit 2, 351 Bearwood Rd, Bearwood, Smethwick, Birmingham B66 4DB