
Led Zeppelin and their Stainless Steel Drum Kits


Who could listen to hard paced rock music without drums hammering away as part of the mix? Whilst drums have been an integral part of music for centuries, it was only in 1973 that they first began to be made from stainless steel. Numerous manufacturers produced stainless steel drums, with ASBA being one of the first, and Leeman and Sonor being notable others. However, it was Ludwig that ultimately mastered the manufacture of the product, and are renowned as being the best of the crop due in no small part to their 60+ years experience in making snare drums from metal. Such was the quality of these new stainless steel drums that it became the musical weapon of choice for ‘Bonzo’ (John Bonham), one of the greatest rock drummers of all time, and founding member of Led Zeppelin. Bonzo’s Stainless Steel Ludwig was his main stage drum kit between 1977 and 1980 and is filmed during Led Zeppelin's performance at Knebworth Music Festival in 1979. If we’d been roadies back in 1977 then our Stainless Steel Trolleys would have been perfect for moving Zeppelin’s Rider to the dressing room, ready for the after party… we just might have needed a couple of them to move all the bottles… or maybe 3, or 4… !!

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