
The Stainless Steel Mars rocket that sweats to stay cool!


The Stainless Steel Mars rocket that sweats to stay cool! After 4 wildly unsuccessful launches, that ended in fiery disaster, SpaceX finally launched and landed their starship rocket. The ship was a Stainless Steel clad vehicle, that Elon Musk plans to one day use to shuttle people to and from Mars. SpaceX said the mission was the company's 5th high-altitude flight test of their Starship prototype from Starbase in Texas - and conveniently fell on the 60th anniversary of the first American to travel to space. "Going to Mars reads like that ad book for Shackleton going to the Antarctic," said Musk. "It's dangerous, it's uncomfortable, it's a long journey. You might not come back alive. But it's a glorious adventure, and it'll be an amazing experience." Elon had initially hoped that SpaceX could send people to Mars by 2024, However they had to change the goal to a later date. In December, Elon said he was "highly confident" that his company could take humanity to Mars by 2026, according to CNBC. "If we get lucky, maybe four years. We want to send an un-crewed vehicle there in two years," he reportedly said at an award show webcast from Berlin.