
The Stainless Steel Z Chair - A VERY expensive place to park your behind


Geometric abstractions… ergonomic aticulated Stainless Steel… the dichotomy between composition and shape… yes, the Stainless Steel Z Chair’s design is a simple three-dimensional gesture that zigzags in space as part of the continued discourse between form and function, it is also rather a pricey place to enjoy a cuppa after a hard day at work! Zaha Hadid Architects, in London, describe the Z Chair as including geometric abstractions informing the design’s linear loop, with the chair enjoying ‘large surfaces to provide both ergonomic affordances and inherent stability to the overall shape’. All we know is that it looks amazing, and if you want one you’ll need some very deep pockets… they have a Z Chair currently for sale on the 1st Dibs website for £220,636.35…. WOW! We don’t make chairs at DSM…. But we do make stainless steel ‘Sit on Sinks’! designed to double as a work surface in their own right.

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