
‘Watch the birdie’… tracking birds using Stainless Steel


Stainless steel continues to ‘ring the changes’ for ornithologists (bird scientists) everywhere. ‘Ringing’ of wild birds has been commonplace for several decades, to allow the tracking of migratory species and provide scientific data for the analysis of bird behaviours and populations. The stainless steel rings are typically given a unique identification number etched or engraved into the surface, which can, in turn, be associated with details of the bird’s species, age, and its condition and location, and entered into shared global databases for the benefit of the international scientific community. When birds are caught again – usually by skilled and experienced ‘Ringers’ using fine mesh nets called ‘mist nets’ or netting tunnel traps called ‘Heligoland traps, both deigned to catch the birds without harming them -’ that have already been ringed, scientists can update the details, and a pattern or model of movement and behaviour can be established. Stainless steel is ideal for the rings, which are specified by the BTO (British Trust for Ornithology), because it is lightweight, durable and does not corrode – ensuring it will not be harmful to the bird, whilst enduring the rigours of outdoor life, and ocean passing intercontinental migration. As DSM we don’t make anything as small as bird rings, but our chemical resistant laboratory sinks are the ‘Top Flight’ solution for the modern lab.

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