MICROLITH GS 202 Glass Fibre Fleece
MICROLITH GS 202 Glass Fibre Fleece An extremely strong and most versatile lining material Not only does it have strength, and can easily cover all unsightly surfaces, such as concrete, cement, wood panelling, and poor cracked plaster, it can then be either emulsion painted or overhung with other wallcoverings, and because it is pre primed should you decide to paint the GS 202 it will give a perfect finish with a maximum of two coats of any emulsion paint. Picture of a reception area decorated with Microlith wall liner MICROLITH GS 202 Glass Fibre Fleece should be applied by pasting the wall, and either side can be used, therefore, no pasting on a table – no soaking – saves time.Visit the Eclipse Wallcoverings website for more information on MICROLITH GS 202 Glass Fibre Fleece