
Strike Threat: Union Leaders Meet Over Cuts


Officials from the country's biggest trade unions, representing workers in the public and private sectors, met in London amid growing anger at the impact of the cuts on jobs and services. Brendan Barber from the TUC has said the cuts could give rise to industrial action around specific events. The union is organising a day of mass demonstration on March 26. Mr Barber said: "The Government's agenda is doing huge damage to the economy and vital public services. The TUC is mounting a wide campaign against these mistaken policies. "Today's meeting was to consider the appropriate industrial response to the volatile cocktail of issues that face union members across the public sector - the pay freeze, job cuts and attacks on pensions. "No-one is talking about a general strike, but of course these attacks on our members could well give rise to industrial action around specific disputes." An underground sign The RMT union has previously supported London tube strikes Mr Barber revealed that, following talks with Chancellor George Osborne, the Government had agreed to hold talks on the future of public service pensions, saying ministers had now accepted that they will not force through changes in the March Budget. Dave Prentis, general secretary of Unison, said half a million of his members faced losing their jobs and many workers were being hit by a pay freeze and the prospect of worse pensions. Workers would have "no choice" but to take action if the cuts went ahead, especially on pensions, said Mr Prentis. Rallies have been organised on Saturday in London and Manchester against the cuts and the increases in student tuition fees.

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