
Crash Tested Snow Load Gutters


Following the successful testing of our Snow Loading Gutter Brackets by CERAM where a standard 3 metre length successfully supported the weight of 12 grown men, we decided to check out the strength of our direct fix extruded ranges. We passed over our Half Round and Serpentine gutters to The Intelligent Design Centre, based in the North West, where the systems were put to the test on a purpose designed rig to simulate both static snow loads and moving snow mass from a specified height. No one expected the outcome we were presented with! In static tests, the gutters withstood total weight of one metric tonne without damage or noticeable deformation. Then in dynamic testing (Crash testing)the same piece of gutter was un shaken by launched test weights in excess of 150kgs from a height 1 metre. In scientific terms, this equated to impact loads of 1,162n/m which translates into 4.67 tonnes per square inch! Full picture story and test date to be published very soon.

Visit the Guttermaster Ltd website for more information on Crash Tested Snow Load Gutters


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