
About Us

JS Air Curtains is a part of JS Humidifiers plc. The company distributes and fits a complete series of air curtains across the United Kingdom and Eire.

Since April 2011, the company has been a member of the Walter Meier Group, the international climate and manufacturing technology group. Walter Meier was started in 1937 in Zurich, Switzerland, and currently does business in over seventy countries.

The company's success is based on a good emphasis on quality, innovation and service. A great range of products supplied to a broad array of industrial, commercial and domestic market segments, both in the UK and abroad.

Air Curtains

  • Bespoke Air Curtain Design

  • Comtesse air curtain

  • Design Solutions

  • Economic B air curtain

  • Kool - cold store air curtain

  • Max - industrial air curtain

  • Mini Optima air curtain

  • Optima recessed air curtain

  • Revolving Door Air Curtain

  • Rotowind Air Curtain

JS Air Curtains has 16 items listed - You are viewing 1 - 10 of 16 Air Curtains

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  • Air Curtains Webinar - 19 / 06 / 14

JS Air Curtains has 1 items listed - You are viewing 1 - 1 of 1 News



  • Finesse brochure

  • Mini Optima 19 07 11

  • Rund Brochure

JS Air Curtains has 3 items listed - You are viewing 1 - 3 of 3 Documents