


We pride ourselves on the fact that we always try to offer only the finest quality service and we endeavour to ensure that all of our customers receive our attention at all times. We are very privileged that our customers often take the time to provide feedback about us. All of our customer feedback is greatly appreciated, as it not only helps us maintain our high standards, but also provides new customers with impartial insights into the quality of our service we provide. If you would like to send us a testimonial or if you have positive or constructive feedback on how we can improve our customer service, please contact us with your comments. The following list represents a small sample of the feedback we have graciously received recently. _________________________________________________________________________________ "The guys at Ken Parry did a wonderful job with our garage door! I shopped around for a new garage door and Ken Parry had the best selection and best prices as well. They worked around our schedule and arrived when they said they would. I would urge anyone considering a new garage door or just a repair to contact Ken Parry Garage Doors first for the best deal and most reliable service. They know their "stuff" and are vey good." JM Formby "Thank you for the great job you did on the installation of my new garage door. I could not have asked for a better job to be done. Everything was completed in a timely matter with little inconvenience to myself or my family. The door looks great. I will be back." GT Liverpool "Company came out within 2 days of calling them. Told me upfront the costs involved and these did not change. Representative was very courteous and efficient and finished the job in less than two hours. They hauled away the old opener and their works looks great. I would definitely hire them again." FG Southport "Doesn't charge extra for weekend work and showed up when they said they would….what more can you ask!" "I'm the worst at getting upset at poor customer service but today was one of the best experiences I've had with a company in awhile. The springs on my garage door broke so I called the original installers, and got no response to the message I left. I looked on the internet and found Ken Parry. On the same day, they came out and replaced my springs, oiled the tracks and adjusted the door for an outstanding price. If you ever need your garage door worked on or replaced I can highly recommend this company." DF Wavertree "Ken Parry are great. They returned our voice message within 10 minutes. They was at our house within 2 hours. Replaced the part and had the door working well in 45 minutes." VB Liverpool "We have just had our property refurbished and I needed new electric gates, a friend told me of Ken Parry & Co in Speke. I gave them a call and a representative was out the next day. The price was fine and the job was completed on time to a great standard." HJ Birkdale

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