
Fire Safety Legislations Essex


People’s businesses are their livelihood and subsequently a huge investment that must be protected. When fire strikes on site, the damage can be costly when it comes to your finances but also in terms of your ability to maintain normal working hours whilst any damage is being repaired. Fire safety within a business is a mandatory requirement under the current health and safety laws and is put in place in order to your protect staff as well as your premises. It is often the case that many fires that occur in commercial buildings are entirely preventable should the correct fire safety precautions had been in place. Remembering to carry out simple precautionary actions can be the difference between a total loss of property and protecting your premises. Fire extinguishers should be available within designated areas of your business. Meritas provide a range of fire extinguishers to meet your needs, each one suitable for destroying different types of fire. Foam fire extinguishers are perfect for use on solid combustible materials and on flammable liquid fires, whereas powder fire extinguishers can be used in a number of situations and offer a more versatile, all-round defense. Our fire safety, Essex based, experts can advise you on which types of extinguisher are optimum for your business depending on the assessment of your building and facilities. At least one smoke alarm should be installed in every section of your office, building or workplace to ensure fire detection is at it’s most effective. Regardless of the size of your business or the industry you work in, our team has the expertise and experience to install the correct fire alarm system for you. It is also recommended that your fire alarm systems are regularly maintained to ensure the finest performance in the event of a fire. All testing and commissioning costs are included in our overall estimate and our specialist engineers will arrange a visit at a time that is convenient to you. The installation of bespoke fire safety solutions by our experienced technicians at Meritas UK, coupled with an extensive knowledge any fire safety legislations, means that your business will be able to significantly lower it’s premises fire risk. By removing the hazards, you remove the risk, so contact our Essex based fire and Security company today for further information on fire safety and how our solutions can help you!

Visit the Meritas website for more information on Fire Safety Legislations Essex


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