
Public Address System Essex

Public Address System Public Address (PA) is an extremely useful communication tool which will enable your organisation to provide a safe working environment allowing messages, procedures and instructions to be communicated at the push of a button. The PA systems supplied can also be integrated into telephone systems enabling staff to put a call out over public address speakers. Public Address or “Tannoy” systems are recognised as highly effective and low cost methods of communicating information to a large area or group of individuals quickly. With systems ranging from simple microphone and speaker arrangements to full evacuation systems, there are many ways we can develop solutions to meet a requirement. The main requirements of any public address or PA system where speech is being amplified are that the programmer material must be heard comfortably by all the audience or public present, and that the speech is easily intelligible. Naturalness is a desired quality and in instances where speech reinforcement is required, if everyone present can hear clearly without being aware that amplification is in use then the installation can be claimed as successful. Public Address or “Tannoy” systems are recognised as highly effective and low cost methods of communicating information to a large area or group of individuals quickly. With systems ranging from simple microphone and speaker arrangements to full evacuation systems, there are many ways we can develop solutions to meet a requirement. MERITAS-CTA Voice Alarm A voice alarm system is installed with the safety of staff and general public in mind. It is a system that assists in the effective evacuation of an area or building during a fire, bomb alert or other emergency. At all other times a voice alarm system is used to make public address announcements, broadcast advertisements or background music. All broadcasts, be they live announcements or continual music, can be sent to all areas of a site or to selected areas. There are many different types of public address system available on the market for various requirements. A voice alarm system has to work when needed during an emergency and is, therefore, fully monitored at all times. It is also backed up by batteries which are fully charged and checked constantly; this will ensure that, even during a mains power failure, the system will continue to operate. A combination of clear pre-recorded messages and live announcements to selected areas enable a controlled and gradual or ‘phased’ evacuation. For more information, please visit our website - or alternatively you can call us on – 0800 678 5028

Visit the Meritas website for more information on Public Address System Essex


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