
Why is the U-Value of the doors important?

The U-Value of a building material measures how effectively it insulates a building, in general, the higher the U-Value the poorer the insulation properties of that material. The U-Value is a major consideration when choosing doors as the U-Value of a door will have a direct impact on how much heat is lost from your home. When advertising the U-Values, companies often publish the centre pane U-Value because it can be lower than the overall U-Value, but the key figure is the overall value. The current U-Value regulations are 1.8W/(m2K) when you are replacing existing doors and 2.0 W/(m2K) for new builds or extensions. Origin’s aluminium doors with triple glazed units can achieve U-Values of 1.32 W/(m2K), well below the level of 1.8 set by the Government, helping to keep your home at the optimum temperature, no matter what the weather is like outside.

Visit the Origin Frames Ltd website for more information on Why is the U-Value of the doors important?