
Site Feasibility

Many of the problems that self-builders experience occur long before the building works begin, and can be as early as the site selection stage. When you have identified a potential building plot for your self-build it is essential to carry out a feasibility study in order to identify any potential problems or constraints that may affect the success of your project. Such problems may include ground conditions, site topography, location and proximity to services. Identifying these factors at an early stage will enable you to fully evaluate the suitability of the site and put plans in place in order to overcome any problems identified at the site feasibility stage. Pro-found can carry out the site feasibility for you and produce a professional feasibility report that contains all of the required information in order to evaluate the site and make an informed decision regarding the sites suitability. A feasibility report from Pro-found will generally include: Location plan, site plan, ground conditions report, ground contamination report, site topography report, exposure to radon gas, proximity and connection to services, solutions for off-mains services, access report, advice on the availability of materials and construction labour. If you would like to instruct Pro-found to prepare a feasibility report for your potential building plot, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Visit the Pro-found Development website for more information on Site Feasibility


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