
How electronic pest deterrents work


Birds can be a nuisance in certain areas, especially if they gather in great numbers. Species such as seagulls and pigeons can be particularly bothersome, with both bird types having grown well accustomed to humans and even going as far as to intentionally gather where we are due to the food and shelter we inadvertently provide for them. There are friendly ways of dealing with them though, and the best method is via an electronic bird deterrent which discourages birds from gathering or nesting in certain areas. Here’s how they work… How the Different Electronic Bird Deterrents Work Some electronic bird deterrents such as the Wailer models utilise a sweeping motion of either audible or ultrasonic sounds. This sweeping effect suggests motion to the listening birds, so it appears as if the sounds are coming from a moving source rather than a stationary one which they would soon figure out. The sound frequencies will also vary greatly to prevent pattern recognition. Most importantly, the sounds will mimic distress calls in order to cause nearby birds to suspect danger is present in a particular area and thus avoid it. Other versions of electronic bird deterrents include the Birdbuzzer which can be powered either by battery or via a mains supply. It works in a similar way as the Wailer and can be aimed in certain directions to target specific areas rather than a general range and has the ability to be changed from audible to ultrasonic (or vice versa) at the flick of a switch on a control panel which can be located away from the speakers, thus enabling the user to minimise any noise annoyance and without the need to visit the site of the targeted areas. It is particularly useful for the likes of domestic buildings, power and communications towers, churches, gardens and even on boats should the seagull presence become overwhelming. Another variety is similar to the Wailer, but is portable and can be powered by a vehicle. It is called the Runwayler as it is specifically designed to be used by patrol vehicles at aviation sites to clear birds from runways and prevent bird strike. The Mystery of Birds’ Ears It’s not something many people stop to consider, but birds do indeed have ears hidden beneath their feathers. In fact, many bird species have a different colour of feather covering the area where their ears are, usually at the side of the head below and behind the eyes. These feathers are called auriculars and will grow in a circular pattern around the ear opening in order to protect it. The feathery covering also helps eliminate the sounds made by the wind as they fly. However, the auricular feathers do not eliminate the audible or ultrasonic distress calls emitted by electronic bird deterrents.

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