


The objectives of the company’s Environmental, Health and Safety Policy are:- To provide standards of health, safety and welfare which comply fully with the requirements of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 as amended and all relevant statutory provisions. To maintain a safe and healthy workplace and safe systems and methods of work. To comply with all statutory requirements relating to the environment and will conduct its business in an environmentally considerate manner. To protect staff and others, including the public, from foreseeable hazards whilst on Company premises or on Company business. To provide staff with information, instruction, training and supervision they need to work safely. To develop safety awareness amongst staff. To make staff aware of their individual responsibility to take all reasonable care for the safety of themselves and others and to co-operate with the management in matters of safety. To make arrangements for the periodic review of safety in workplaces and methods of working and the implementation of any corrective action necessary and to encourage full and effective consultation with staff on safety and environmental matters.

Visit the Sfs Fire Engineering Ltd website for more information on Objectives


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